What is NLP?
NLP stands for ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’ and has been around since the 1970s when its co-founders, Richard Bandler and John Grinder first modelled the therapists Milton Erickson, Gregory Bateson, Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir.
NLP is a collection of models, techniques and strategies for modelling excellence, in order to help us better understand how our thought processes and behaviour, including how the language we use, influences the way we think and the results we get. Modelling excellence in any field enables us to bring about a positive change in ourselves and others.
A literal translation of the phrase Neuro-Linguistic Programming is that NLP empowers, enables and teaches us to better understand the way our brain (neuro) processes the words we use (linguistic) and how that can impact our past, present and future (programming). It gives us strategies for observing human behaviour and learning from the best (and worst) of that!
Simply put, change is possible - all you need is a desire to change and a willingness to learn new ways of being…with yourself, your thoughts and with others.
NLP has been defined as the “users manual for your mind” because studying NLP gives us insights into how our thinking patterns can affect every aspect of our lives.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses the power of suggestion to encourage positive change. I use relaxation techniques to help you reach a state where the conscious part of your mind is relaxed and your subconscious part is more open to suggestions. This enables you to use your own resources deep within you to help make changes or regain control in certain areas of your life. You are in charge of any changes or choices that you decide to make, I cannot influence you unless you wish to be influenced.
I use Ericksonian based Hypnotherapy, parts therapy, core transformation and IEMT to offer support covering a number of areas including chronic pain and fatigue, anxiety, grief, trauma, phobias, relationship with food, smoking, relationships, confidence and relaxation.
In the first session, I will take comprehensive information about the issue or problem that you are seeking to change. This will form the basis of the work that we will decide to do together. We mostly spend the time eliciting powerful positive changes and with the exception of IEMT and some timeline work, most of the focus is where you want to go and not where you have already been. Sessions are typically 75 minutes although some do last 90 minutes, especially the first one.
What happens in a session?
This is a tricky one to answer in all honesty. I have had clients who have come to me with what they have described as debilitating anxiety and they have only needed one session, to clients who have needed 6 months of intensive weekly session for the majority of it. I also have longer term clients who I saw initially for 4-6 sessions and I see them every few months for occasional top-ups. Once I have had an discovery call with you, I can give you a clearer picture. Discovery calls are always given free and without obligation to proceed.