My body is just crying out in pain.......

It’s a common belief that pain in your body equals something that is either medically or mechanically wrong. And in most cases, this is an accurate representation. In which case, seeking specialist medical professional help is the best option and the sooner the better, as that way you optimise your body’s own natural ability to heal.

Sometimes, however, there isn’t a medical or mechanical reason that specialist medical professionals can find, yet the pain continues and often worsens.

Research is finding more and more supporting information that we can hold tension and trauma in our body’s and that is experienced as pain. Chronic pain, which is resistant to treatment and medication and usually worsens as a result of more treatment and medication can be attributed to a more neurophysiological phenomenon than a medical or mechanical one.

The revered Dr Gabor Mate’s book When the Body Says No;

Bessel van der Kolk’s The Body Keeps Score and

Anthony William’s Medical Medium are just a few of the many resources available on the subject of the body holding onto stress and tension and it manifesting in pain and illnesses.

My experience of this fully supports this, having been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2009, I experienced widespread pain throughout my entire body and limbs and despite many tests and treatments, nothing was found to be wrong. I’m glad to say that I fully recovered from this using the Lightning Process as it teaches you how to reset the mind-body connection so that your body can recover.

I now work with many clients suffering from chronic localised and widespread pain where specialist medical professional have been unable to find a mechanical or medical reason for the pain. I would go so far as to say that they all have one thing in common. They have held onto trauma, stress and tension and that has manifested itself in their bodies.

It is necessary to say at this point that none of this is ever intentional. Nobody intends to create such discomfort and debilitation in their own bodies. Our mind-body connection is a complex one and can create processes, thoughts, behaviours and responses beyond our cognitive recognition until it manifests itself in symptoms, at which point these unconscious activities are well-worn pathways.

What I have found, is that with an understanding of the connection between mind and body, a recognition that this can be influenced and with the right support, therapy and coaching coupled with learning techniques to let go of tension, stress and trauma from both mind and body. All my clients so far (fingers crossed that I can keep this up) see a reduction and mostly a dissipation of the pain and tension completely.

Once this occurs it is then about learning to recognise the signs that you are holding tension, stress or trauma in your body and putting into practice the techniques you have learnt so that you don’t end up suffering again.

Some simple techniques to recognise if you are holding on to stress, tension or trauma is to do a quick body scan, be aware of areas of tension. You can then implement a number of visualisation and breathing techniques to help you let go of the tension. Often we don’t realise just how much we carry around in our bodies other than we feel a sense of burden, a weight that we can’t put a finger on, we just feel it.

4 ways you can reduce tension and stress in your body

  1. You can imagine that a light and bright wave of calmness is washing over you, carrying away the stress and tension of the day.

  2. You can breathe in fully both into your chest and your tummy, expanding both, then as you exhale with a longer out-breath, you can breathe out all the tension and stress.

  3. You can listen to music, especially music that you enjoy, that brings you happiness or peace - preferably both.

  4. You can practice progressive muscle relaxation techniques (coming soon) on my YouTube Channel

There are several audios under Resources on this website or you can access YouTube or many other platforms to learn techniques to reduce the amount of tension you hold in your body. If you need a bit more guidance and intervention to help you get rid of a backlog then I am always happy to have a chat.

You might want to consider alternative therapies too such as cranial osteopathy, reiki or acupuncture.

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