Are you feeling stuck?

Sometimes there is no better description for it than ‘I feel stuck’

There is not a particular problem that is worse than the other, there is no ‘one thing’ that you can put your finger on to describe how you feel. You cannot see a way out of it, you’ve tried many things, and nothing seems to work.

I know that this is very much how I felt much of the time throughout most of my teens, 20’s and 30’s. It felt like 3 steps forwards and 2 steps back, sometimes a landslide to what felt like being back to square one. I could never quite get on top of things and many times I felt like it was Groundhog Day. Sometimes I was really winning in life, sometimes it felt like everything slipped beyond my grasp. To those around me, however, I was doing ok – I recently created a description for this – I was externally impeccable and internally dishevelled.

If this resonates with you then you are precisely why I created the Ultimate Therapy Programme.

You see, unbeknown to me at the time. The skills that many adults take for granted are learnt when we are children. There are significant milestone ages for learning how to deal with conflict for instance; what we like and dislike, what is important to us, how we manage relationships.

This is beyond the academia that we learn in schools and this learning just is not taught in any formal way, especially not post-education.

My childhood meant that many of the lessons that my peers naturally undertook and learnt from were not available to me. This can be for many reasons and none are exclusive to feeling ‘stuck’ as an adult, although I have found that there is a definite pattern both from my own understandings and from my experience with working with clients.

Childhood trauma, by this I do not necessarily mean abuse – a sibling who is ill for a long time; parents divorcing or being separated through circumstances or death.

Not feeling connected or ‘belonging’ to the family you are born into, feeling different.

Not feeling wanted or feeling excluded. Behaviour, looks, anything that sets you apart from your family.

Never being good enough or feeling overlooked in favour of someone or something else.

These are just some of the reasons that you may not have been available to learn the life lessons that seem to be essential for being a well-rounded adult.

Why aren’t we able to learn these lessons? The very quick and basic answer is that we are in a level of ‘survival’ mode. This means that our creative and thinking brain is switched off in favour of the reactive ‘keep me alive’ part of our brain. This makes learning new skills difficult because our survival instinct does not deem it necessary to make healthy relationships when it perceives there to be a mortal threat (the word perceived is the important one here).

So in response to recognising that this is what I needed and so did many of my clients, I created the Ultimate Therapy Programme to fill in the gaps. To build a strong foundation of who you are, leaving no stone unturned, covering every conceivable base that I could uncover to help you create a strong foundation from which to live your best life.

Even the best-built house will be on shaky ground if the foundations are not strong and complete, cracks will soon appear in the brickwork, the floor, the ceiling, the décor.

The Ultimate Therapy programme started off as the 12-steps to achieving health and happiness. An online programme created from the basis of the work I did with many clients to help them overcome their issues, challenges and ‘stuckness’. From this, the feedback I got from those clients who beta tested it, I then created 3 versions: -

One to one, working closely with me for 6 months

Small group, working with me with a set structure that follows the original 12-steps

Self-guided online programme, for those who want to complete the steps in their own time.

If you would like to find out more about the Ultimate Therapy Programme, you can watch the video here or you can book a no-obligation chat with me here to discover how the Ultimate Therapy Programme can help you ‘unstick’ yourself.

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