My Natural Menopause Journey

I'm writing this article not to sway anyone into one camp or another, but to share information about how I navigated menopause relatively easily by supporting my body naturally. While I'm not against HRT or any medical intervention, I found that my body didn't respond well to artificial hormones – a conclusion based on years of experience from taking various contraceptive pills, injections, coils etc. to back this up.

My menopause journey began about four years ago when I first noticed the dreaded night sweats – a burning inferno rising from deep within like a wave of radiating heat. This was my first symptom. It's worth noting that about eight years prior, I had undergone an ablation for heavy menstruation, which had been successful. As a result, I hadn't noticed a natural hormonal cycle for some time.

After researching and seeking wisdom from Laura Shipp, my business partner and Naturopathic doctor, I decided to try seed cycling. I aligned this practice with moon cycles (in the absence of a menstrual cycle) and radically reduced my refined sugar intake. The results were impressive – my night sweats diminished to near non-existence.

 I continued this regimen for about two years, which is the upper limit of the recommended time for supporting your body naturally in this way. However, our bodies are constantly changing, and I began to notice new symptoms. Day sweats occasionally occurred, especially after drinking coffee, and the night sweats would return if I consumed too much-refined sugar or alcohol.

At this point, I was recommended to switch to a Red Raspberry leaf supplement. It's important to note that this isn't a universal recommendation – my body was tested for this supplement using kinesiology, and everyone's biochemical needs are unique. I took this supplement for six months before feeling I no longer needed it regularly.



My Holistic Approach to Menopause

In support of transitioning through the stages of menopause, I've adopted several practices to ensure a smooth journey:


1. Regular Exercise: I engage in a combination of cardio, endurance, weights, core strength, grounding, and fun activities. As a female over 40, regular weight-bearing exercises are essential to maintaining muscle mass and protecting joints.

2. Mindful Eating: I eat according to what supports my blood type and apply an 80/20 rule – 80% nourishing foods and 20% indulgence. Although I don’t always achieve this, I am kind to myself and get back on track.

3. Sugar Awareness: I'm very mindful of my sugar consumption, both obvious and hidden. This was the single most contributory factor to my menopause symptoms. This includes alcohol and foods that my body quickly converts into simple sugars.

4. Healthy Fats: I ensure I eat healthy fats, essential for proper brain, joint, muscle, and cellular function. These include nuts, seeds, avocados, oily fish, fish with bones and small amounts of animal fats. I tried the vegan diet, but it did not support my needs and resulted in me having considerable fatigue, especially when exercising.

5. Avoiding Harmful Additives: I do not consume aspartame, which I consider one of the most toxic 'permitted' food additives cook from scratch as often as possible to avoid unnecessary additives.

6. Mindful Consumption: I pay attention to what I consume, both food and information. I avoid negative influences like hatred, contempt, and gossip and definitely do not eat whilst watching the news.

7. Continuous Learning: I regularly engage in learning new skills or pastimes to promote a growth mindset and keep my mind fresh. Most of what I learn is through choice and brings me a sense of achievement and purpose.

8. Body Awareness: I listen to my body and adjust my behaviour based on any symptoms I notice, looking at factors like sleep, hydration, and diet. Many of us have become disconnected from listening to our needs as we are barraged with idealisms from others of what you ‘should’ eat, think, say and do.

By adopting these practices and remaining attentive to my body's needs, I've been able to navigate my menopause journey naturally and with relative ease. Remember, every woman's experience is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Always consult with healthcare professionals before making significant changes to your health regimen.

If you are interested in learning how to ease your journey through menopause, The Mind Body Gut Company runs a Radiant Menopause Programme that spans an entire 12 months. Helping you understand both medical and holistic approaches so that you can make the best decisions for you.

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