LGBTQIA+ is an acronym that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, and others. It's an umbrella term that represents a diverse range of sexual orientations and gender identities. It's crucial to understand that sexual orientation refers to whom someone is emotionally, romantically, and sexually attracted to, while gender identity is an internal sense of being male, female, neither, or somewhere in between.
Read MoreNo amount of healthy eating and exercise will create a happy life if your thoughts are equivalent to a negative cesspool of toxicity, and this applies to what you think about others as well as yourself. Your brain and every cell in your body will not be able to differentiate between ‘you’ as in another person and ‘you’ as in yourself. Be mindful about what you think and start becoming the gatekeeper to your own happiness.
Read MoreUnhealthy relationships can sometimes feel inescapable, but recognising patterns and taking proactive steps can help you break free, burn the bridges, and reclaim your power.
Read MoreIncorporating positive lifestyle habits into your daily routine can have a profound impact on your overall wellbeing, both physically and mentally. 1% incremental positive changes will compound into if you can get 1 % better each day for one year, you'll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you're done.
Read MoreIncreasing focus and attention can be challenging, especially for individuals with neurodiversity, such as those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or other neurological conditions. However, several practical strategies can help improve concentration and minimise distractions.
Read MoreThe human mind is remarkably diverse. Each person's brain develops and functions in unique ways, leading to a wonderful spectrum of cognitive styles, strengths, and experiences. This diversity of neurocognition is known as neurodiversity.
Read MoreI was diagnosed with Endometriosis in my mid-twenties after a laparoscopy for undiagnosed persistent pelvic and abdominal pain. I had two young children and had struggled with heavy, long, and erratic periods for years.
Read MoreConstipation can have significant psychosomatic components, meaning psychological factors can contribute to its development or exacerbation. This is an experience that I know all too well, having struggled with constipation for around 30 years of my adult life, the reasons will be expressed further on in this article.
Read MoreSupporting children's mental health as a parent is crucial for their overall well-being and essential to developing an emotionally intelligent and resilient adult. During childhood, especially between the ages of 3-7, children lay down some of their fundamental social and emotional skills. These skills are mostly influenced by their environment and the availability of good role models to model their own behaviours on.
Read MoreAn HSP experiences the world more intensely and deeply compared to others. They tend to be more aware of subtleties in their environment, such as noises, emotions, or stimuli and can be more easily overwhelmed by them. They are also more likely to be interoceptive, aware of the subtleties of what is going on within their own bodies.
Read MoreNavigating stress during the festive season is crucial as it can manifest in many different ways according to the individual.
Knowing the signs of stress and having tried and tested strategies can mean the difference between dreading and enjoying the festive season.
Read MoreComparison is an instinctive behaviour deeply ingrained in human nature. From a young age, we are conditioned to evaluate ourselves in relation to those around us. However, this habitual comparison can become a curse, casting a shadow on our self-worth and contentment.
Read MoreIf there are indications of autoimmune conditions – whether diagnosed or not, I tend to look in more depth at these three key areas:
Lifestyle, including diet and relationships.
Quality of the clients’ thoughts towards themselves and others.
Adverse Child Events and unresolved trauma whether big T or little T*.
All of these elements (and more) contribute to a person’s current experience and can layer to a point where the body turns on itself and creates symptoms. This is a generic and broad brush and is covered in greater detail across the industry.
Read MoreThe Saviour Complex, also known as the Messiah Complex or White Knight Syndrome, is a psychological phenomenon in which an individual believes they have a mission or duty to save, rescue, or fix other people's problems and suffering.
The Victim Complex, also known as a victim mentality or victim mindset, refers to a psychological state in which a person consistently perceives themselves as a victim of circumstances, other people, or the world at large.
Read MoreDomestic violence or abuse can happen to both men and women. If you’ve lived with it for a while, it is likely that you have become numb to it, even making excuses for the brainwashed notion that you are at fault somehow.
There is a lot of misconception about what constitutes domestic violence, it is not always about physical abuse. Emotional and psychological abuse counts for a lot of domestic abuse and because the effects are ‘invisible’ it can be harder to prove.
Read MoreAnxiety can spread like wildfire. Have you noticed that states can be incredibly infectious? Have you ever observed a delightful, giggling baby? How do you typically react? Most people instinctively smile back. The act of smiling is contagious, just as laughter is. Viewing states as contagions may seem counter-intuitive but hopefully, by the end of this article, it may lead one to associate them with positive emotions.
Read MoreResearch shows that much like other visually creative activities like colouring in or doing collages, doodling can help you unwind. It's thought to calm the amygdala, the part of the brain that controls the 'flight or fight' response—which is linked to stress and anxiety.
Read MoreThere are several explanations for why brain fog happens. Once you identify the underlying cause, you can begin to resolve it. Here are eight possible causes:
Read MoreHow does consistency create healthy habits?
A little introduction to why I decided to write this article.
About 2 months ago, I was struggling with tight muscles in-between my shoulder blades which impacted my hip functionality and made running very uncomfortable - I had frequent times when it felt like my hips were going to give way, yet I could continue running.
I spent about 6 weeks sorting this out and got back to running comfortably last week.
This means getting back on track with regular runs that include hill training.
Read MoreI often talk about the well-known fable about the two wolves within and use it mostly as a tool to help people young and old understand that they have a choice about which ‘wolf’ they feed. Frequently, I take this fable and allow it to unfold and expand beyond its original meaning.
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